Dubai, renowned for its advanced medical facilities and skilled practitioners, offers some of the world’s best Skin Tag Removal treatments. One of the most effective ways to remove bothersome skin tags remains surgical removal, which affects 50 to 60% of the world’s population.

Using state-of-the-art techniques like cryotherapy and laser therapy, individuals in the UAE can enhance their confidence and their skin’s clarity and smoothness.

What are Skin Tags?

Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are small, benign growths that typically appear on the skin’s surface. While exact statistics may vary, skin tags are estimated to affect around 45% of the adult population. They comprise collagen fibres and blood vessels and often resemble small skin flaps. A skin tag typically measures a few millimetres to a centimetre and is soft, smooth, and flesh-coloured.

How to Remove Skin Tags?

Here are the five best techniques to remove skin tags:

Snip It Off (with Caution)

One common and straightforward method for removing skin tags is by snipping them off. However, this should not be attempted without proper guidance and tools. If you decide to go this route, it’s crucial to use sterilised scissors or nail clippers and avoid cutting too close to the skin’s surface to prevent infections or bleeding.

Tie Them Off

Another technique, ligation involves tying off the skin tag at its base to cut off its blood supply. It can be achieved using dental floss or a small piece of thread. Over time, the skin tag should wither and fall off. Again, this method should only be done with proper understanding and care.

Freeze or Burn Them

Cryotherapy and cauterisation are medical procedures best left to professionals. Cryotherapy involves freezing the skin tag using liquid nitrogen, while cauterisation uses heat to burn it off. These methods are relatively quick but should only be performed by trained experts to avoid complications.

Topical Solutions

Some over-the-counter solutions claim to remove skin tags. These typically involve applying a special formula to the tag, causing it to dry and fall off over time. While these products may work for some, it’s essential to read reviews and use them cautiously, as results can vary.

Natural Remedies

Several home remedies are said to help with skin tag removal. These can include tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, or baking soda. While many consider these methods safe, it’s crucial to remember that not all-natural remedies are backed by scientific evidence. Always do your research and proceed with caution.

Understanding Skin Tags – Causes and Effects

The exact causes of skin tags are unknown. Still, they usually occur when clusters of collagen fibres and blood vessels become trapped within the skin tag. Skin tags are common and occur in areas with friction or rubbing, such as the neck, underarms, groin, eyelids, and beneath the breasts. Some individuals may opt to remove skin tags for cosmetic reasons or if they cause discomfort due to their location or snagging on clothing or jewellery.

Types of Skin Tags Removal

Skin tags, or acrochordons, typically fall into two main types:

  • Pedunculated Skin Tags: These are the most common type of skin tag. They have a narrow stalk or “peduncle” that attaches the tag to the skin’s surface. Pedunculated skin tags often appear as small, soft protrusions hanging from the skin by a thin stem.
  • Fibroepithelial Polyp: This type of skin tag is broader and flatter than pedunculated. Fibroepithelial polyps usually have a broader base and may appear more elevated on the skin’s surface. They can be flesh-coloured or slightly pigmented.

The main types of skin tags are listed above, but individual skin tags may look, feel, and grow differently. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment options for skin tags.

Benefits of Skin Tag Removal

Best Skin Tag Removal in Dubai

The benefits of Skin Tag Removal include the following:

  • Improved Appearance
  • Increased Comfort
  • Enhanced Hygiene
  • Ease of Grooming
  • Preventing Potential Complications
  • Peace of Mind
  • Enhanced Skincare
  • Prevention of Further Growth
  • Professional Assessment
  • Minimal Downtime
  • Long-lasting Results

Improved Appearance

Skin tags can be removed if they are aesthetically bothersome, especially if they are in visible areas or grow in clusters. Removing a skin tag can enhance your overall appearance and boost your self-confidence.

Increased Comfort

In areas subject to friction, such as the neck, underarms, or groin, skin tags can cause irritation or discomfort. Removing them can alleviate discomfort and prevent them from snagging on clothing or jewellery.

Enhanced Hygiene

Skin tags can be challenging to clean properly, leading to potential hygiene concerns. By removing them, you can improve hygiene practices in the affected area.

Ease of Grooming

Skin tags may interfere with shaving or grooming routines. Removing them allows for smoother and easier grooming without the risk of accidentally irritating or cutting the skin tags.

Preventing Potential Complications

Although skin tags are generally harmless, there is a slight risk of them becoming irritated, bleeding, or getting caught and twisted. Removing them can prevent potential complications associated with these occurrences.

Peace of Mind

Skin tags can cause anxiety or self-consciousness, mainly if they are prominent or numerous. By removing them, you can experience a sense of relief and regain peace of mind about your skin’s appearance.

Enhanced Skincare

After removing skin tags, cleaning and moisturising the affected area becomes easier. You can improve your skin’s overall health and condition by doing this.

Prevention of Further Growth

Skin tags have the potential to grow in size or multiply over time. Removing them can prevent their growth and reduce the chances of developing new skin tags in the same area.

Professional Assessment

When undergoing Skin Tag Removal by a healthcare professional, they can assess the area for any signs of atypical skin growth or other potential concerns, providing peace of mind regarding your skin’s health.

Minimal Downtime

Skin tag removal procedures are generally quick and require minimal downtime. After the procedure, you can resume your daily activities with minimal disruption.

Long-lasting Results

Skin tag removal procedures aim to provide long-lasting results. Once removed, the chances of skin tags regrowing in the exact location are minimal.

Procedure for Skin Tag Removal: Options for Surgical and Non-Surgical Processes

There are surgical and non-surgical options for removing skin tags. The choice of procedure depends on factors such as the size, location, number of skin tags, and personal preferences. Here are the main options for Skin Tag Removal:

  • Surgical Procedures
  • Non-Surgical Procedures

Surgical Procedures

Surgical procedure for Skin Tag Removal involves:

  • Excision: It involves using a scalpel or medical scissors to cut off the skin tag at its base. Local anaesthesia may be administered to numb the area before the procedure.
  • Cauterisation: In this method, the skin tag is burned off using a device that generates heat or an electric current. This helps to stop bleeding during the process.
  • Ligation: With ligation, a minor surgical thread or dental floss is tied tightly around the base of the skin tag. This cuts off the blood supply, eventually causing the skin tag to fall off.
  • Cryosurgery: Liquid nitrogen is applied to freeze and destroy the skin tag. This causes it to detach from the skin gradually.
Excision– Effective for larger skin tags– Requires local anaesthesia
– Immediate removal of the skin tag– May cause minor bleeding and discomfort
Cauterisation– Quick and efficient removal– Potential for scarring or skin discolouration
– Controls bleeding during the procedure– Requires local anaesthesia
Ligation– Simple and cost-effective method– May take time for the skin tag to fall off completely
– Minimal risk of scarring– Requires precise tying of the thread
Cryosurgery– Non-invasive and relatively painless– May require multiple treatments for complete removal
– Minimal scarring and quick recovery time– Potential for skin pigmentation changes

Non-Surgical Procedures

Non-surgical procedures involve:

  • Cryotherapy: Similar to cryosurgery, cryotherapy involves the application of extreme cold, typically using liquid nitrogen or another freezing agent, to freeze the skin tag and make it fall off.
  • Electrocautery: In this method, an electric current is used to burn off the skin tag. The heat generated by the current removes the skin tag, and any bleeding is controlled simultaneously.
  • Chemical solutions: Various over-the-counter or prescription-strength solutions containing acids or chemicals can be applied topically to dissolve the skin tag gradually.

The most effective removal technique depends on the patient, but several non-surgical techniques can be carried out at home. They can assess the skin tags and recommend the most effective and safe approach.

Here’s a pros and cons table for the surgical and non-surgical options for Skin Tag Removal:

Cryotherapy– Non-invasive and relatively painless– May require multiple treatments for complete removal
– Can be done in a clinic or at home– Potential for skin irritation or blistering
Electrocautery– Quick and efficient removal– Potential for scarring or skin discolouration
– Controls bleeding during the procedure– Requires specialised equipment and expertise
Chemical solutions– Non-invasive and easy to apply– May take time for the skin tag to dissolve completely
– It can be used for multiple skin tags simultaneously– Potential for skin irritation or allergic reactions

Remember that these pros and cons are general considerations, and individual experiences may vary. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised advice and determine the most suitable option for Skin Tag Removal based on your situation.

Before Surgery

How to Prepare for Skin Tag Removal in Dubai?

In preparation for a Skin Tag Removal procedure, it is recommended to maintain good overall skin health. Better skin can result from keeping hydrated, eating well, and avoiding skin irritants. You may also be advised to refrain from taking certain medications or supplements that could increase bleeding.


Your surgeon will evaluate your overall health status during your consultation and discuss the Skin Tag Removal procedure. It is an opportunity to discuss any concerns or questions you have.

Review Medical History

In addition to reviewing your medical history, your surgeon will inquire about any allergies and previous operations you have undergone. You need to be checked for any underlying health conditions that could affect your recovery after surgery.

Discuss Your Expectations

You and your surgeon will discuss your expectations from the procedure, which will help them understand your aesthetic goals and establish a realistic outcome.

Preoperative Care for Skin Tag Removal

Preoperative care for Skin Tag Removal generally includes the following steps:

  • Medical consultation: You should consult a healthcare provider to determine if Skin Tag Removal suits you.
  • Avoid certain medications: A doctor may recommend avoiding certain medications and supplements before the procedure to reduce bleeding during the procedure. Vitamin E, ibuprofen, aspirin, and herbal supplements all carry the potential for negative reactions.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A balanced diet, hydration, and rest can improve the healing process in the body.
  • Do not irritate the skin tag: Avoid scratching or irritating the skin tag or the skin around it before your procedure.
  • Clean the area: As instructed by your healthcare provider, clean the area around the skin tag with mild soap and water on the day of the procedure.
  • Comfortable clothing: Wear comfortable, loose clothing on the day of the procedure. This is particularly important if the skin tag is in an area where clothing may rub against it.

During Surgery

What to Expect During Skin Tag Removal Surgery in Dubai?

Going a Skin Tag Removal procedure in Dubai, much like anywhere else, is generally straightforward and relatively quick. A day-care centre conducts the treatment, which means you can go home the same day. The surgeon will first numb the area surrounding the skin tag with a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the process.

The removal process depends on the size and location of your skin tags. Smaller tags may simply be cut off with a scalpel in a procedure known as excision. For larger skin tags or those located in more sensitive areas, your surgeon may opt for cryotherapy, which uses a special tool to freeze the skin tag, causing it to fall off naturally over time.

Alternatively, cauterisation might be used, which involves burning off the skin tag using an electric current. This method also seals the wound, reducing the risk of bleeding and infection. You will receive safe and effective treatment from your surgeon based on the most appropriate method for your particular condition.

After Surgery

What to Expect After Skin Tag Removal Surgery in Dubai?

After the procedure, you may experience minor discomfort or redness around the treated area. If your surgeon approves, mild to moderate pain may be treated with over-the-counter medications. During your treatment, you will be instructed on how to care for the treated areas, including cleaning and applying creams or ointments as prescribed.

Postoperative Care For Skin Tag Removal 

Postoperative care after Skin Tag Removal is generally straightforward and easy to follow. However, it is crucial for a successful recovery and to avoid potential complications:

  • Wound care: Keep the treated area clean and dry to prevent infection. You might be prescribed or advised to use a specific ointment or cream to aid in healing and reduce discomfort. Avoid scratching or picking at the scabs.
  • Pain management: Over-the-counter pain medicines can handle any discomfort after the surgery, as your healthcare provider recommends.
  • Avoid strenuous activities: For a few days after removing the skin tag, you may be advised to avoid strenuous activities to prevent irritation or disruption of the healing process.
  • Watch for signs of infection: Although rare, infection can occur. Signs of infection include increased pain, redness, swelling, or pus in the treated area. If you experience any of these symptoms, please make an appointment with your doctor immediately.
  • Follow-up: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so your healthcare provider can monitor your healing progress. In addition, this is a chance for you to address any concerns and questions.

Recovery After Skin Tag Removal

Recovering from a Skin Tag Removal procedure is generally quick and uncomplicated. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Prompt return to activities: Most individuals can return to their normal activities on the same day as the procedure.
  • Avoidance of strenuous activities: Depending on the location of the removed skin tag, you may be advised to avoid strenuous physical activities for a few days. This is to prevent any unnecessary strain or friction on the treated area, which could potentially disrupt the healing process.
  • Monitoring the healing process: Look for swelling, redness, or discomfort in the treated area that could indicate infection or complications.
  • Follow your healthcare provider’s advice: Ensure a smooth and successful recovery by following any specific advice or instructions your healthcare provider gives you.

Skin Tag Removal Healing Stages

The healing stages after Skin Tag Removal will vary depending on the method used. Minor scabbing and discolouration may occur, but they should resolve over time.

Following your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions will aid in the healing process and help achieve the best results.

Here’s a general timeline for the Skin Tag Removal healing stages. This is a general guideline, and everyone’s healing process may differ.

Time After ProcedureHealing Stage
Immediately AfterThe skin around the removal site may be slightly red or swollen. You might also feel a minor discomfort. A healthcare provider can usually recommend over-the-counter drugs to manage pain.
1-3 Days AfterThe area where the skin tag was removed may start to scab over as a natural part of the healing process. It is important not to pick at or scratch the scabs.
1-2 Weeks AfterThe scabs will naturally fall off, revealing new skin underneath. There may be some temporary skin discolouration or mild scarring at this stage.
3-4 Weeks AfterThe discolouration should begin to fade, and the skin in the treated area should start to look more normal. Any scarring will continue to diminish over time.
1-2 Months AfterMost, if not all, signs of the procedure should be gone. Scarring should continue to fade with time if it remains.

Is Skin Tag Removal Right for You?

Deciding on Skin Tag Removal is a personal decision and depends on several factors:

  • If your skin tags are causing discomfort or are frequently irritated by clothing or jewellery.
  • If you feel self-conscious about the appearance of skin tags.
  • If the skin tags are potentially altering the skin’s normal function.

A healthcare provider should, however, assist you in making an informed decision.

Why Isn’t Skin Tag Removal for You?

Skin tag removal might not suit everyone:

  • If you have a significant fear of minor surgical procedures.
  • If the skin tags are located in sensitive or hard-to-reach areas.
  • Individuals with certain medical conditions that affect healing or the immune system may also be advised against the procedure.

What is the Right Age for Skin Tag Removal?

There isn’t a specified “right age” for Skin Tag Removal. Here are a few essentials to remember:

  • There isn’t an age limit to skin tags, but older adults and obese or diabetic people are more likely to develop them.
  • The decision to remove a skin tag is often based on the individual’s comfort, preference, and whether the skin tag is causing any discomfort or problems.

Who is not a Suitable Skin Tag Removal Candidate?

Certain individuals may not be suitable for Skin Tag Removal:

  • Those with certain skin conditions, who scar easily, or who have a history of poor wound healing might not be suitable candidates.
  • During pregnancy or for those with specific medical conditions, the procedure may need to be postponed.
  • A consultation with a healthcare professional is essential for determining candidacy and ensuring safety throughout the procedure.

How do you choose the best Skin Tag removal surgeon in Dubai?

Select the best Skin Tag Removal surgeon in Dubai by considering these steps: 

  • Certifications: Confirm the surgeon is certified by recognised medical boards like Dubai Health Authority.
  • Experience: Find a surgeon with considerable skin tag removal experience.
  • Consultations: Ensure the surgeon offers initial consultations to explain procedures, risks, and costs.
  • Past Work: Request to view before-and-after photos of past procedures.
  • Patient Reviews: Check reviews and testimonials from previous patients.
  • Facility Standards: Confirm the clinic or hospital maintains high hygiene and safety standards.
  • Aftercare: Verify the availability of comprehensive aftercare and follow-up services.
  • Cost: Understand the cost of skin tag removal and ensure they fit within your budget.
  • Insurance: Check if your health insurance covers the surgeon and procedure.
  • Comfort: You should feel comfortable and trust the surgeon.

Why Choose Dr Shehzadi Tasneem for Consultation?

Choosing Dr Shehzadi Tasneem means entrusting your skin to one of the best dermatologists in Dubai. Here’s why she is the ideal choice for your skincare needs:

  • Expertise and Certification
  • International Recognition and Training
  • Professional Memberships
  • Advanced Technology and Comprehensive Services
  • Effective and Efficient Procedures

Expertise and Certification

Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem is a board-certified FCPS plastic surgeon, ensuring her expertise and proficiency in dermatology. Her qualifications and credentials guarantee you will receive top-quality care from a highly skilled professional.

International Recognition and Training

With a BAPRAS Fellowship from the UK and work experience under the supervision of American and UK-trained consultant plastic surgeons, Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem has gained international exposure and training. This extensive experience has honed her skills and knowledge in providing advanced dermatological treatments.

Professional Memberships

Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem is a reputable member of prestigious organisations like PAPS (Pakistan Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons), Emirates Medical Association, Emirates Plastic Surgeon Society, ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons), and holds certification from ICOPLAST (International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery).

Advanced Technology and Comprehensive Services

Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem has advanced skincare technology, enabling us to deliver effective and efficient Skin Tag Removal treatments. Removing all kinds of skin tags, acne, pigmentation, and ageing skin are just a few of the dermatological concerns we address. This comprehensive approach ensures continuity of care and allows for a tailored treatment plan to suit your needs.

Effective and Efficient Procedures

Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem’s Skin Tag Removal procedures are practical and highly efficient. We provide fast, effective treatments that produce noticeable results. This means enjoying clearer, smoother skin without disrupting your busy schedule.

Choosing Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem ensures you receive exceptional dermatological care, benefiting from their expertise, advanced technology, comprehensive services, and efficient procedures. Your skin’s health and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Book a Consultation with our Best Surgeon Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan!

Don’t let skin tags hold you back! Achieve smoother, clearer skin today. Book a consultation with Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem, an expert dermatologist, and explore your options for the best Skin Tag Removal in Dubai. Your journey to healthier, more confident skin is just a click away.


The best Skin Tag Removal option depends on the size and location of the skin tag. Dermatologists usually recommend excision, cryotherapy (freezing), or cauterisation (burning) as the most effective and safe procedures.

Yes, a dermatologist’s professional Skin Tag Removal procedures are highly effective. Over-the-counter solutions may also work for some smaller tags, but professional treatment is often quicker, safer, and more reliable.

Skin tags, known as acrochordons, are small, soft growths hanging off the skin. In addition to ageing, obesity, and hormonal changes, they are often caused by skin friction, such as on the neck, underarms, and groin.

No, Skin Tag Removal is generally not painful as it is carried out under local anaesthesia, ensuring a comfortable and painless experience.

Most of our skin tag procedures take 30 minutes to an hour. There is, however, a variation in duration depending on the number and size of skin tags to be removed.

Our non-invasive techniques and advanced technology ensure minimal impact on surrounding skin, significantly reducing the risk of scarring.

Our non-invasive procedures allow for minimal downtime. You can return to your regular activities immediately after the session.

We will provide you with comprehensive aftercare guidelines. These may include instructions on cleaning the treated area, avoiding sun exposure, and using certain skin care products.


Quick and Painless Skin Tag Removal!

I had several skin tags removed by Dr. Shehzadi Tasleem Sultan in Dubai, and I couldn’t be happier with the process. The procedure was quick and virtually painless. Dr Shehzadi’s expertise and gentle approach put me at ease. I highly recommend her for Skin Tag Removal.

Excellent Results and Professional Service!

Dr. Shehzadi Tasleem Sultan is a true professional regarding Skin Tag Removal. The removal process was quick, and the results were excellent. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome.

Highly Skilled Dermatologist!

Dr. Shehzadi Tasleem Sultan’s expertise in Skin Tag Removal is unparalleled. Her knowledge and precision made the procedure a breeze. The results were fantastic, and I am grateful for her exceptional care. I would definitely recommend her services to anyone seeking Skin Tag Removal in Dubai.