Managing And Minimising Scars After Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation surgery is a transformative procedure many individuals undergo to enhance their self-image and confidence. While the results can be rewarding, the process often involves a common concern: breast augmentation scars . This guide explores strategies to manage and minimise these scars, ensuring the most aesthetically pleasing outcomes possible.

Scarring: Causes and Types

Scars are a natural part of the body’s healing process, repairing damaged skin tissues. They can be raised, flat, or depressed, and their appearance often depends on genetics, age, and the wound’s location and severity. Understanding the science of scarring helps anticipate the likely scarring after breast augmentation surgery in Dubai .

Scar Type Description Common Causes
Hypertrophic Raised, red scars that do not expand beyond the initial wound area Surgery, burns, injuries
Keloid Raised, dark, and expanding beyond the wound site Piercings, surgery, minor skin injuries
Atrophic Sunken or pitted scars Severe acne, chickenpox, surgical scars
Contracture Tight, shiny skin that can restrict movement Burns

Why Scarring Occurs Post-Breast Augmentation: Mechanism and Factors

Scarring post-breast augmentation results from the body’s healing response to surgical incisions. The severity and visibility of scars can vary based on surgical technique, individual healing capabilities, and postoperative care. Knowing these factors can help patients prepare and adopt measures to minimise scarring.

  • Surgical incisions’ location, size, and nature directly influence the resulting scar.
  • Each individual’s unique healing abilities can affect scar formation and appearance.
  • Proper post-operative care is crucial in minimising and managing scarring.

Preventing Scarring: Preoperative Measures in Breast Augmentation

Managing And Minimising Scars After Breast Augmentation

Preoperative preparation is critical in managing and minimising scars from breast augmentation. Measures such as a healthy lifestyle, open discussions with the surgeon about incision placement, and understanding the overall procedure can help. Preoperative measures set the stage for effective scar prevention and management.

Healthy Lifestyle Considerations Incision Placement Options
Regular Exercise: Maintaining regular physical activity helps to improve overall health and boost the immune system, which can aid in faster healing and scar minimisation. Inframammary: This is an incision made in the fold under the breast, which is the most common type and allows for direct access to the breast tissue.
Balanced Diet: Dietary supplements can promote skin health and aid in wound healing and scar reduction if consumed balanced. Vitamin C and zinc are particularly good for the skin. Periareolar: The incision is made around the nipple. This placement often results in less noticeable scarring, but it may affect nipple sensitivity and breastfeeding ability.
Adequate Hydration: Keeping the body well hydrated can aid skin elasticity maintenance, scar prevention, and speedy recovery. Transaxillary: This is an incision made in the armpit, and it leaves no scar on the breast itself. However, it might make subsequent surgical adjustments more challenging.
Avoid Smoking: Smoking can interfere with the body’s healing process, making scarring more pronounced. Quitting or reducing smoking before surgery can improve outcomes. Transumbilical: This is an incision around the belly button, and while it leaves no scar on the breast, it is less common due to its complexity and potential complications.

Post-Operative Care: Preventing Scars After Breast Augmentation

Post-operative care is crucial in healing and scar management after breast augmentation . Some key aspects include proper wound care, adherence to the doctor’s instructions, and timely follow-ups. Efficient post-operative care can prevent infection and ensure optimal healing, minimising scar appearance.

Book A Consultation With Dr Shehzadi Tasneem

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Breast Augmentation in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure

Installment Plan Available

  • Cleaning and caring for surgical wounds as instructed can prevent complications and promote better healing.
  • Adhering to prescribed medications and treatments can speed up recovery and minimise scarring.
  • Regular follow-up visits to the surgeon ensure the healing process is on track and any issues are promptly addressed.

Importance of Nutrition in Wound Healing and Scar Minimization

Good nutrition can profoundly impact wound healing and scar minimisation after breast augmentation. A balanced diet of protein, vitamins, and minerals can support faster healing and healthier skin. Understanding and adhering to nutritional guidelines can significantly affect scar appearance.

Nutrient Role in Wound Healing and Scar Minimization Food Source
Protein Supports tissue repair and collagen production Lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes
Vitamin A Supports skin health and immune function Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes
Vitamin C Supports collagen production Citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers
Zinc Supports wound healing Whole grains, nuts, red meat
Hydration Maintains skin elasticity Water, fruits with high water content

Topical Treatments for Scar Management Post-Breast Augmentation

There are various topical treatments available that can help manage and minimise scars post-breast augmentation. These include both over-the-counter and prescription lotions and gels. These therapies, applied directly to the scar, can improve its colour, texture, and overall appearance. Breast Augmentation CC Sizes refer to the amount of silicone or saline used to increase the size of a person’s breasts. The higher the CC size, the larger the breast implants will be. Breast implants are like balloons that doctors put inside a person’s chest to make their breasts bigger.

Large Breast Augmentation Options are choices for making breasts bigger through surgery.

Topical Treatment Purpose Application
Silicone Sheets/Gels Flatten and fade scars Apply to scar area daily
Vitamin E Creams Improve skin elasticity and appearance Apply to scar area daily
Retinoid Creams Improve skin texture and colour Apply to the scar area as instructed by a doctor

Advanced Therapies for Scar Reduction: Silicone Sheets, Laser Treatments, and More

Besides topical treatments, advanced therapies are available to further reduce the appearance of scars. These include silicone sheeting, laser treatments, microneedling, and injectable fillers, each offering unique benefits. These advanced treatments can dramatically improve the appearance of scars when regular care isn’t enough.

Advanced Therapy Description Best for
Silicone Sheeting Non-invasive treatment using silicone sheets on scars Raised scars
Laser Therapy Uses light waves to alter the surface of scars Red or raised scars
Microneedling Uses tiny needles to stimulate collagen production Depressed or flat scars
Fillers Injectable substances used to raise indented scars Depressed or atrophic scars

Managing and minimising scars after breast augmentation is a comprehensive process that starts with preoperative preparation and extends into postoperative care. It involves adopting a healthy lifestyle, making informed decisions about incision placement, and following a meticulous wound care regimen. Open communication with your surgeon is vital to align expectations and facilitate optimal healing and aesthetic outcomes.

Take a step towards embracing your natural beauty by scheduling a free consultation with Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan , a renowned plastic surgeon with a distinguished academic background and wide-ranging experience in body contouring and facial rejuvenation.

Dr Sultan’s credentials include a Fellowship degree in plastic surgery from CPSP Pakistan and a BAPRAS from the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons, UK. She has worked in prestigious institutions globally and offers personalised and effective treatment plans. Book a consultation today for exceptional patient care.


After breast augmentation, most individuals develop surgical scars that can vary in appearance. These may be hypertrophic (raised, red scars that do not extend beyond the initial wound area), keloid (thick, puckered, itchy clusters of scar tissue that grow beyond the edges of the wound), atrophic (sunken or pitted scars), or contracture scars (tight, shiny skin that can restrict movement).

Scars can be minimised through various strategies, including choosing optimal surgical techniques, adhering to preoperative and post-operative measures, applying appropriate topical treatments, and employing advanced therapies if needed. Regular gentle exercises and proper nutrition also contribute to scar minimisation.

Various topical treatments can be used to manage scars after breast augmentation. These may include OTC creams and gels, silicone sheets or gels, vitamin E creams, and retinoid creams. Always speak with your healthcare practitioner to find the best course of action for your need.

Gentle exercises and physical therapy can support scar healing and improve mobility after breast augmentation. These interventions promote blood flow, prevent stiffness around the scar area, and support overall healing.

Scarring after breast augmentation can impact self-esteem and body image. Psychological support through counselling or peer support groups can help individuals cope with these changes and maintain a positive body image

Dubai’s Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation procedure works similarly to other locations worldwide. Liposuction eliminates fat in places like the thighs and tummy where it isn’t wanted.

This fat is then purified and injected into the breasts to increase size. The procedure is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, adhering to Dubai’s local medical regulations and standards.

Achieving a D cup size through breast augmentation involves the insertion of implants or fat transfer to increase the breast size. The exact volume of implants or fat needed can vary widely depending on your body structure, breast size, and skin elasticity. Having a detailed discussion with your surgeon is crucial to understand the procedure, potential risks, and realistic outcomes.

A Breast Augmentation with 400cc implants can be an empowering transformation for many women. It can significantly improve the shape and size of the breasts, enhancing body confidence and self-esteem. However, the final results depend on various factors, including your body frame, existing breast tissue, and the placement of the implants. It’s advisable to discuss with your surgeon to understand if 400cc is the right choice for you.
