How Are Skin Tags Removed From Eyelids

The question of ‘How Are Skin Tags Removed From Eyelids’ is a common concern, given the sensitivity of the eye area. This topic explores the various safe and effective methods used to remove skin tags from the eyelids, taking into account the delicacy and potential risks involved.

What Causes Skin Tags on Eyelids

Skin tags often form in areas where skin rubs together, which is why they frequently occur around the eyes, neck, armpits, and groyne. Some potential causes and risk factors for developing skin tags on the eyelids include:

  • Friction from the eyelids rubbing together
  • Middle age and older adulthood
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy

Genetics may also play a role. People with a family history of skin tags are likely to get them.

Should Skin Tags on Eyelids Be Removed?

While skin tags around the eyes are typically not dangerous, there are some valid reasons to have them taken off:

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  • Irritation : Skin tags on eyelids can rub against the eye, causing irritation, redness, and discomfort
  • Appearance : Some people wish to remove skin tags on the eyelids for cosmetic reasons
  • Infections : Skin tags near the eyes are more likely to become infected, especially if they are frequently rubbed.

However, if a skin tag is small and not bothersome, it may be best just to leave it alone. Any removal procedures around the eyes should be done carefully.

Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags on Eyelids

Some people try home remedies to get rid of skin tags before considering medical procedures. These should always be used cautiously near the sensitive eye area:

  • Tea tree oil : Apply a diluted tea tree oil solution to the skin tag using a cotton ball up to three times per day. The acidic properties may cause drying and falling off.
  • Apple cider vinegar : Soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and secure it on the skin tag with a bandage overnight. The acidic effects can cause the tag to die and fall off within a week or two.
  • Banana peel : Gently rub the inside of a banana peel on the skin tag a couple of times per day. Enzymes like bromelain in the peel can remove dead skin cells.
  • Dental floss/thread : Tie floss or sterile thread tightly around the base of the skin tag to stop blood flow. The tag should die and fall off within a few days. Do not attempt this technique near the eyes.

Keep the area clean and watch for signs of infection. See a doctor if skin tag removal attempts to cause significant pain, skin damage, or vision changes.

Medical Procedures to Remove Skin Tags on Eyelids

For the best results in getting rid of skin tags on the eyelids, medical treatment from a skin doctor (dermatologist) is recommended. There are a few safe clinical options:


Cryotherapy is the most common method for removing skin tags on any body part, including around the eyes. It involves freezing off the skin tag with liquid nitrogen. The procedure takes only a few minutes and causes the tag to die and fall off within 10-14 days. Mild pain, swelling, and redness may follow.


With cauterisation, an electric current or caustic agent like silver nitrate is applied to burn off the stalk of the skin tag. This is also quick and effective but may cause brief pain during the procedure, followed by mild blistering and scabbing before healing.


Surgical excision may be necessary for large or thick skin tags on the eyelids. This involves numbing the area with local anaesthesia and using sterile scissors or a scalpel to cut off the skin tag completely. Stitches are usually placed to close the wound for faster healing with minimal scarring.

Aftercare for Removing Skin Tags on Eyelids

Proper aftercare is vital for speedy recovery after getting skin tags taken off around the sensitive eye zone. Follow these tips to avoid infections and improve healing:

Aftercare Step Description Importance
Keep Area Clean Gently clean the eyelid area with mild, non-irritating solutions. Prevents infection and promotes healing.
Avoid Rubbing or Scratching Refrain from touching or scratching the treated area. Reduces the risk of irritation or scarring.
Apply Recommended Ointments Use any prescribed ointments or creams as directed. It aids in healing and provides protection.
Cold Compress Apply a cold compress if advised to reduce swelling. Offers relief from swelling and discomfort.
Limit Eye Strain Avoid activities that strain the eyes, like prolonged screen time. Helps in reducing stress on the eyelids.
Follow-Up Consultation Attend follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress. Ensures proper recovery and addresses concerns.
Sun Protection Protect the area from direct sunlight; use sunglasses if necessary. Prevents damage and irritation from UV rays.
Watch for Signs of Infection Be vigilant for any signs of infection, such as increased redness or pain. Early detection and treatment of complications.

Most small skin tag removal sites heal fully within 2 weeks with minimal scarring. Avoid rubbing eyes and allow wounds time to seal and protect the underlying tissue.

When to See a Doctor After Skin Tag Removal on Eyelids

Consult a physician promptly if you have any of the following worrisome symptoms after getting skin tags taken off around the eyes:

  • Significant swelling, redness, oozing around the site
  • Moderate to severe pain not relieved by OTC medication
  • Vision changes like worsening blurriness
  • Sensation of something still rubbing on the eyeball
  • Eyelid twitching or trouble blinking

Seek emergency care immediately if you suddenly lose vision or experience extreme pain in or around the eye after skin tag removal procedures near the eye. Healing Time is the amount of time it takes for your body to recover from an injury or illness. It’s important to give your body enough

5 Key Takeaways: Removing Skin Tags on Eyelids

  1. Skin tags commonly appear around the eyes due to skin friction and rubbing. They may cause irritation if left untreated.
  2. Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, banana peels, and dental floss can be used to remove skin tags. Use extreme care near the eyes.
  3. Cryotherapy freezing, cauterisation, and surgical excision are safe clinical methods for removing skin tags on eyelids.
  4. Follow all aftercare directions closely post skin tag removal on eyelids, including keeping wounds clean to prevent infection near the eyes.
  5. Seek medical care promptly if you have sudden vision changes, worrisome pain levels or other complications after skin tag removal near your eyes.

In conclusion, understanding ‘How Are Skin Tags Removed From Eyelids’ is key for anyone seeking to address this issue. It’s crucial to opt for safe, medically approved methods that protect the sensitive eye area while effectively removing the skin tags, often requiring professional medical intervention for the best results.

Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan is a highly talented oculoplastic surgeon adept at delicately removing skin lesions around the eyes. With advanced training in intricate eyelid procedures and deep care for her patient’s well-being, Dr Sultan is an excellent choice if you are looking to safely and effectively get rid of annoying skin tags on your eyelids.

To book a consultation regarding skin tag removal or any other concerns related to the appearance and functionality of the tissue around your eyes, please call Dr Sultan’s office today. Let her design a personalised treatment plan to help you look and feel your best.


Minimal scarring may occur after surgical excision of larger skin tags. For smaller tags removed by cryotherapy or cauterisation, scarring is unlikely. Follow all aftercare to optimise healing.

No. We do not recommend attempting to remove skin tags at home using methods like dental floss or acids from apple cider vinegar or banana peels near the face or eyes. Extreme care must be taken with any procedures around this delicate area.

Most small skin tag removal sites heal within 7-10 days with proper aftercare. Allow 2 weeks for larger excision sites to fully heal. Avoid makeup, lotions, and rubbing eyes until treated areas have been sealed up.

Skin tags can recur, but this is uncommon when they are completely destroyed along the entire stalk and root area via cryotherapy or cauterisation. New skin tags may grow nearby if underlying causes like skin friction persist.

According to most insurance plans, clinical removal of skin tags is considered cosmetic and not medically necessary. Thus, it may not be covered. Expect to pay an average of about 150 AED or over 1,500 AED or more out of pocket for procedures to take off eyelid skin tags.
