How To Remove A Keloid On The Ear

Keloid on Ear: How to Remove

Understanding Keloids on the Ear

What is a Keloid on the Ear?

A keloid on the ear is a type of raised scar that forms where the skin has healed after an injury. Unlike regular scars, keloids grow beyond the boundaries of the original wound and can become quite large. They are typically smooth, hard, and can vary in color from pink to dark brown.

Dubai Keloid Therapy offers advanced treatments to reduce raised scars
patients can find specialized care for keloids in dubai’s modern clinics

  • Characteristics of Ear Keloids:
  • Raised and thickened scar tissue
  • Smooth and shiny surface
  • Can be itchy or painful

Who Gets Ear Keloids?

Anyone can develop keloids, but certain factors increase the risk. People with darker skin tones, such as African, Hispanic, and Asian individuals, are more prone to keloid formation. Additionally, a family history of keloids can also increase the likelihood of developing them.

How Do Ear Keloids Affect the Body?

Ear keloids can cause physical discomfort and emotional distress. They may be itchy, tender, or even painful. In some cases, they can interfere with the use of earrings or hearing aids. The appearance of keloids can also affect self-esteem and confidence.

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  • Effects on Daily Life:
  • Physical discomfort (itching, pain)
  • Interference with accessories (earrings, hearing aids)
  • Emotional impact (self-esteem, confidence)

Symptoms and Causes of Ear Keloids

Symptoms of an Ear Keloid

The primary symptom of an ear keloid is the presence of a raised, thickened scar. Other symptoms may include itching, tenderness, and pain. The keloid may also continue to grow over time, becoming larger and more noticeable.

  • Common Symptoms:
  • Raised, thickened scar
  • Itching and tenderness
  • Pain and discomfort

Causes of Keloids on the Ear

Keloids form as a result of an overproduction of collagen during the healing process. Common causes include ear piercings, surgical incisions, and traumatic injuries. In some cases, even minor skin injuries can lead to keloid formation.

  • Common Causes:
  • Ear piercings
  • Surgical incisions
  • Traumatic injuries

Are Ear Keloids Contagious?

Ear keloids are not contagious. They cannot be spread from person to person through physical contact or any other means. Keloids are a result of the body’s healing process and are specific to the individual.

  • Key Points:
  • Not contagious
  • Result of individual healing process

Diagnosis and Tests for Ear Keloids 1kOQpH8uLJRBnCHQGS fNvzwZO rf 5PdZj3IZsVjC Y7hxqhOJsih8I6q I5ZrbccnPBDmmC4vbijN9Y79hszU | 2024

How Are Ear Keloids Diagnosed?

Ear keloids are typically diagnosed through a physical examination by a healthcare provider. The appearance and history of the scar are usually sufficient for diagnosis. In some cases, a biopsy may be performed to rule out other conditions.

  • Diagnostic Methods:
  • Physical examination
  • Medical history review
  • Biopsy (if necessary)

Tests for Diagnosing Ear Keloids

While a physical examination is often enough, additional tests may be conducted to confirm the diagnosis. These tests can help differentiate keloids from other types of skin growths or conditions.

  • Additional Tests:
  • Biopsy
  • Imaging tests (if needed)

Keloid on Ear: How to Remove

Surgical Removal of Ear Keloids

Surgical removal involves cutting out the keloid tissue. This method is often combined with other treatments to prevent recurrence. However, there is a risk that the keloid may return, sometimes even larger than before.

  • Pros and Cons:
  • Immediate removal of keloid
  • Risk of recurrence
  • May require additional treatments

Nonsurgical Removal Options

Corticosteroid Injections

Corticosteroid injections can help reduce the size and symptoms of keloids. These injections are usually administered over several sessions and can be effective in flattening the keloid.

  • Benefits:
  • Reduces size and symptoms
  • Non-invasive
  • Multiple sessions required

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment uses focused light to reduce the size and appearance of keloids. This method can be effective but may require multiple sessions for optimal results.

  • Advantages:
  • Non-invasive
  • Can improve appearance
  • Multiple sessions needed


Cryotherapy involves freezing the keloid tissue with liquid nitrogen. This method can help reduce the size of the keloid but may cause skin discoloration.

  • Key Points:
  • Freezes keloid tissue
  • Reduces size
  • Risk of skin discoloration


Ligature involves tying a surgical thread around the base of the keloid to cut off its blood supply. Over time, the keloid will shrink and eventually fall off.

  • Procedure Details:
  • Ties off blood supply
  • Keloid shrinks and falls off
  • May take several weeks

At-Home Treatments for Ear Keloids pFgF tefJ18I5lu4 E8cHYX | 2024

Can You Remove Ear Keloids at Home?

While professional treatments are more effective, some at-home remedies can help manage the symptoms of ear keloids. These methods are generally less invasive but may take longer to show results.

  • Considerations:
  • Less invasive
  • Longer time to see results
  • May not be as effective as professional treatments

Silicone Gels for Keloids

Silicone gels can help flatten and soften keloids. They are applied directly to the keloid and can be used over several months for best results.

  • Usage Tips:
  • Apply directly to keloid
  • Use consistently for several months
  • Can be combined with other treatments

Onion Extract for Keloids

Onion extract is believed to reduce the size and appearance of keloids. It is available in gel form and can be applied to the keloid several times a day.

  • Application:
  • Apply gel to keloid
  • Use multiple times daily
  • May take several weeks to see results

Garlic Extract for Keloids

Garlic extract has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce keloid size. It can be applied directly to the keloid but should be used with caution to avoid skin irritation.

  • How to Use:
  • Apply extract to keloid
  • Use with caution
  • Monitor for skin irritation

Preventing Ear Keloids

How to Prevent Keloids on the Ear

Preventing ear keloids involves minimizing skin trauma and taking care of wounds properly. Avoiding unnecessary piercings and using pressure earrings can also help reduce the risk. Surgical wound overgrowth happens when extra tissue grows around a cut from surgery This can slow down healing and make the scar bigger than it should be Keloid prevention techniques Avoid getting piercings or tattoos and keep wounds clean and covered to help stop keloids from forming Applying silicone sheets or gels to healing skin can also reduce the chance of keloids

  • Prevention Tips:
  • Minimize skin trauma
  • Proper wound care
  • Avoid unnecessary piercings
  • Use pressure earrings

Living with Ear Keloids

When to See Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan

If you have an ear keloid that is causing significant discomfort or emotional distress, it may be time to consult Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan. Professional evaluation and treatment can help manage the condition effectively.

  • When to Seek Help:
  • Significant discomfort
  • Emotional distress
  • Ineffective at-home treatments

Questions to Ask Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan

When consulting with Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan, it’s important to ask the right questions to understand your treatment options and what to expect.

  • Key Questions:
  • What are my treatment options?
  • What are the risks and benefits of each treatment?
  • How can I prevent keloids from recurring?


How Do I Get Rid of a Keloid on My Ear?

To get rid of a keloid on your ear, you can opt for surgical removal, corticosteroid injections, laser treatment, cryotherapy, or ligature. Each method has its pros and cons, so consult a healthcare provider for the best option.

Do Ear Keloids Go Away on Their Own?

Ear keloids do not typically go away on their own. They may continue to grow and become more noticeable over time. Professional treatment is often required to manage and remove them.

Should I Remove My Earring if I Have a Keloid?

If you have a keloid, it is advisable to remove your earring to prevent further irritation and growth of the keloid. Consult a healthcare provider for additional treatment options.

Can I Prevent Ear Keloids from Forming?

You can prevent ear keloids by minimizing skin trauma, avoiding unnecessary piercings, and taking proper care of wounds. Using pressure earrings can also help reduce the risk.

What Can I Expect if I Have a Keloid on My Ear?

If you have a keloid on your ear, you can expect it to be raised, thickened, and possibly itchy or painful. Professional treatment can help manage the symptoms and reduce the size of the keloid.
