Safe Skin Tag Removal Methods | Recommended by Dr Shehzadi Tasneem

Are you troubled by skin tags? 

Skin tags are small, soft skin growths that can appear anywhere. They’re not harmful but can be annoying. Some people may even feel self-conscious about them. But the good news is you can safely remove these tags. We’ll share with you some Skin Tag Removal methods that are safe and trusted by experts like Dr Shehzadi Tasneem.

What are the Safe Skin Tag Removal Methods?

Safe Skin Tag Removal Methods

Here are some safe ways to remove skin tags.


This is like a magic trick in which the doctor uses electricity to zap your skin tag away. It’s like they’re burning it off, but it doesn’t hurt because they use particular medicine to ensure you don’t feel anything.


This method is incredible, literally! The doctor uses super-cold liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tag. It’s like putting an ice cube on your skin tag, but way colder. After a while, the tag falls off because it can’t handle the cold.

Book A Consultation With Dr Shehzadi Tasneem

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  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
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  • 24/7 support for patients
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Think of this as a tiny roadblock for the skin tag. The doctor uses a particular thread or band to stop the blood from reaching the skin tag. The skin tag falls off when it can’t get any food (blood). When you forget to water a plant, it withers away.


This might sound scary but don’t worry, it’s not. The doctor uses a teeny-tiny knife, called a scalpel, to carefully cut off the skin tag. They’ll put some numbing cream or medicine on your skin first, so you won’t feel a thing.

See related: Cost of skin tag removal.

Here are some pros and cons for each method mentioned above:

Cauterization• Quick and effective.
• Minimal bleeding due to the instant sealing of vessels.
• May cause minor discomfort or pain.
• Risk of temporary skin discolouration.
Cryosurgery• Non-invasive.
• Minimal pain and scarring.
• May require multiple sessions.
• Chance of skin discolouration, especially in dark skin tones.
Ligation• Simple and often painless.
• Can be done at home with a kit.
• Can take longer for the skin tag to fall off.
• Potential risk of infection if not performed correctly.
Excision• Immediate removal.
• Can be used for larger skin tags.
• Can cause discomfort or pain.
• Risk of scarring or infection if not performed properly.

Which Method is Suitable for Different Types of Skin Tags?

Choosing the proper Skin Tag Removal Method depends on different things, like the size of the skin tag and where it is on your body. Let’s take a look:

  • Tiny Skin Tags: “Cauterization” or “Cryosurgery” can work well for little skin tags. The doctor can burn or freeze the tag off quickly.
  • More significant Skin Tags: If your skin tag is enormous, “Excision” might be a good choice. This is when the doctor uses a small knife to remove it.
  • Skin Tags in Hard-to-Reach Places: “Ligation” can be used for skin tags that are hard to reach. This method involves tying a thread around the tag to make it fall off.
  • Lots of Skin Tags: If you have many skin tags, “Cryosurgery” might be best. The doctor can freeze many tags during one visit.

Home Remedies for Skin Tag Removal

You might be wondering if you can remove skin tags at home. There are some ways, but they may only work for some. And if not done right, they could hurt. So, it’s best to talk to a doctor first.

  • Tying Off With a Thread: Some people tie off their skin tags at the base with a thread or dental floss. This stops blood flow to the tag and may fall off after a few days.
  • Using Skin Tag Removal Creams: Some over-the-counter creams and ointments might help. But be sure to follow the directions on the package.
  • Using Tea Tree Oil: Some say that applying tea tree oil several times a day for a few weeks can help. But this method has yet to be proven by science.

How to Avoid the Reoccurrence of Skin Tags After Treatment

You don’t want them to return after using Skin Tag Removal Methods to remove skin tags. Here are some tips to help keep them away:

  • Eat Healthy: Eating lots of fruits, veggies, and lean proteins can help keep your skin healthy. Healthy skin is less likely to get skin tags.
  • Stay Active: Try to move around a lot. This helps keep your weight healthy, and that can stop skin tags from popping up.
  • Take Care of Your Skin: Keep your skin clean and dry. Skin tags often show up where your skin folds or rubs together.
  • Wear Loose Clothes: Tight clothes can rub against your skin and cause skin tags. Try wearing loose clothes that let your skin breathe.
  • See Your Doctor Regularly: Regular check-ups with your doctor can help catch new skin tags early. The earlier you spot them, the easier they are to remove with “Skin Tag Removal Methods”.

Skin tags might seem tricky, but you’re now armed with all the knowledge you need about “Skin Tag Removal Methods.” Remember, whether it’s cauterization, cryosurgery, ligation, or excision, each method is safe and effective when done by a professional.

But what’s best for you when you can ask an expert? Dr Shehzadi Tasneem is ready to help. Book a consultation today! You can chat with Dr Shehzadi about your skin tags and decide together on the best way to say goodbye to them.


These methods are not painful. Doctors use numbing creams or medicines to ensure you don’t feel anything.

Trying to remove skin tags at home is not a good idea. A doctor should do these methods to ensure they’re safe and effective.

Sometimes skin tags can come back, even after treatment. But, following a healthy lifestyle can help reduce their chance of returning.

Most people recover very quickly from skin tag removal. Some methods, like excision or cauterization, leave a tiny wound that takes a few days to heal.

These methods rarely leave a scar. If they do, the scar is usually very small and fades over time.
