Do Tummy Tuck Stitches Dissolve?

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) can help remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tighten muscles in the abdominal wall. This procedure is popular with both men and women who want to achieve a flatter, more toned stomach. However, like any surgery, tummy tucks do carry risks, including potential allergic reactions. This article will cover everything you need to know about tummy tucks and what to know about allergies before undergoing this procedure.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck , also called abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the abdomen. During a full tummy tuck:

  • Excess skin and fat are removed from the middle and lower abdomen
  • Abdominal muscles are tightened
  • The belly button is repositioned if needed
  • The incision is closed

This helps create a flatter, more toned abdominal profile. Some benefits of a tummy tuck include:

  • Removing excess skin after pregnancy or weight loss
  • Creating a flatter, smoother abdominal contour
  • Tightening weak or separated muscles
  • Improving posture and back pain
  • Boosting self-confidence

Tummy tucks are customised to each patient’s needs and desired outcome. Procedures can target the upper, lower, or full abdomen.

Allergies and Surgery Risks

While rare, there are potential allergy risks associated with medications and materials used during and after surgery. It’s important surgeons know your allergy history to select proper medications and products.

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  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
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  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure

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Common Surgery Allergies

Common allergies include:

  • Latex – from gloves, equipment, bandages
  • Medications – antibiotics, anaesthesia, pain relievers
  • Metals – from surgical tools and implants
  • Chemical cleaners – Betadine, chlorhexidine
  • Adhesives and tapes – wound dressings, bandages

Latex Allergy

One of the most common and dangerous allergies is latex. Latex sensitivity can cause rashes, hives, low blood pressure, wheezing, and other reactions. Inform your surgeon if you have a latex allergy so special non-latex materials can be used.

Medication Allergies

Let your surgeon know what medications you are allergic to, especially:

  • Penicillin or other antibiotics
  • Anaesthesia
  • Pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen
  • Codeine or other narcotic medications

Alternative medications can be prescribed to avoid allergic reactions.

Testing for Surgery Allergies

Allergy testing prior to surgery can identify any risks or sensitivities. Common allergy tests include:

Patch Testing

Small amounts of common allergens are placed on your back for 48 hours to check for skin reactions.

Skin Prick Test

Drops containing potential allergens are placed on your arm or back. A small prick allows the liquid to penetrate just under the skin. If you are allergic, a raised, itchy bump will develop within 15-20 minutes.

Blood Tests

A blood sample is taken and tested for IgG antibodies linked to allergies; this can help identify sensitivities to medications like penicillin.

Preventing Allergic Reactions

Whether you have known allergies or want to exercise extra caution, here are tips to prevent allergic reactions during and after your tummy tuck:

Review Allergies Thoroughly

Have an in-depth conversation with your surgeon regarding:

  • Medication allergies
  • Latex or other product allergies
  • Food allergies for your post-surgery diet
  • Any reactions to soaps, skincare or cosmetics

Request Non-Latex Materials

Hospitals stock non-latex supplies, including gloves, tubing, and masks, if latex allergies are communicated in advance.

Take Antihistamines

Your surgeon may recommend taking antihistamines for several days before and after surgery to minimise risks.

Avoid New Products

Don’t try any new skincare, soap, lotion, or makeup products for 2 weeks before surgery to prevent possible irritation or reactions.

Check Anaesthesia Risks

Talk to your anaesthesia provider about any medication reactions during previous surgeries or dental work. They can adjust the anaesthesia plan accordingly.

Recovering from a Tummy Tuck

Properly caring for your incisions and following all post-op instructions reduces the risks of infection and supports healing. Typical tummy tuck recovery guidelines include:


  • Take prescribed antibiotics and pain medication as directed
  • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen unless approved by your surgeon
  • Alert your surgeon if you experience any irritation or reactions to medications

Incision Care

  • Keep incisions clean and watch for signs of infection like redness or oozing.
  • Follow instructions on showering, bathing, and changing dressings
  • Wear recommended compression garments to minimise swelling

Activity Restrictions

  • Avoid straining, bending, and lifting for 4-6 weeks
  • Get out of bed slowly and walk gently following surgery
  • Sleep propped up with pillows to reduce tension on the incision

Closely following post-op directions facilitates proper healing after your tummy tuck.

Allergy Management and Relief

If you do experience any allergic symptoms or reactions during your recovery:

  • Hives, rash, or itching may be relieved with oral antihistamines like Claritin or Zyrtec
  • Swelling around the eyes or lips can be reduced with a cold compress
  • Contact your surgeon immediately about any severe reactions like wheezing or low blood pressure

Recording your symptoms, timing, triggers, and relief measures helps your care team adjust medications or treatments to resolve allergy issues.

Coping with Allergies After Tummy Tuck Surgery

Allergy Issues Tips for Relief When to Call Your Surgeon
Itchy incisions Oral antihistamines, cool compresses, avoid scratching If severe or persistent itching
Sinus congestion Nasal rinses, decongestants, humidifier If symptoms last >2 weeks
Runny nose Soft tissues for drip drainage, decongestants If excessive blowing/coughing causes pain
Watery, itchy eyes Cool compresses, allergy eye drops If impaired vision, eye redness/swelling
Sneezing Peppermint balms below the nose, acupuncture If causing incision pain from muscles
Asthma symptoms Rescue inhaler, limit outdoor exposure If you have any difficulty breathing

Be diligent with medications and self-care during allergy season. Notify your surgeon about any severe upper respiratory symptoms, as coughing or blowing your nose can cause incisions. Abdominoplasty Need Analysis is like a doctor’s check-up to see if someone needs a tummy tuck surgery. It helps decide if the surgery is safe and good for the person. The Optimal Abdominoplasty Method is a special surgery that doctors use to make your tummy look flat and firm. It’s like a makeover for your belly!

Tummy tuck swelling alleviates when you rest and follow your doctor’s instructions like wearing a compression garment and avoiding heavy lifting Tummy tuck local procedure is a surgery to remove extra skin and fat from the belly area while you are awake but the area is numb so you don’t feel pain

Abdominoplasty procedure stages The doctor marks the areas to be treated and makes cuts to remove extra skin and fat Then the doctor tightens the muscles and closes the cuts with stitches Abdominoplasty pain levels

Assessing abdominoplasty precautions Doctors check if it’s safe for you to have a tummy tuck by looking at your health and lifestyle Abdominoplasty long-term risks

Tummy tuck irregularities Sometimes after a tummy tuck surgery the skin might not look perfectly smooth and there could be small bumps or uneven areas this is what doctors call

In conclusion

When exploring Tummy Tuck and Allergies, it’s crucial to be aware of potential allergic reactions to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Consulting with your surgeon about any known allergies is key to tailoring the tummy tuck experience to your specific health needs.

Book a Consultation with a Leading Plastic Surgeon in Dubai – Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan

With exceptional skill, surgical artistry, and a personalised approach, Dr. Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan delivers beautiful, natural-looking outcomes to meet your aesthetic goals. Book a consultation to learn more about your tummy tuck procedure , allergy prevention, anaesthesia options, and surgical planning to support your safety, comfort, and satisfaction.


Tummy tuck recovery generally takes 6 weeks or longer. The first week focuses on incision care, pain and swelling management. By 2-3 weeks, patients can resume light activity. After 6 weeks, most swelling has subsided, and activity restrictions are lifted, but results continue improving for 6-12 months.

Using scar treatments containing silicone or vitamin E may help minimise scarring. Avoiding sun exposure, not smoking, eating well, and following all wound care instructions also reduce scarring. Scars continue maturing and fading for 12-18 months.

A full tummy tuck removes excess skin, bearing stretch marks below the belly button. However, it does not eliminate existing stretch marks above the navel, which can be addressed with other treatments like microneedling or laser skin resurfacing.

When weight remains stable, results from a tummy tuck are considered permanent, unlike non-surgical treatments targeting fat. The firm, smooth abdominal contour can last for decades as long as significant weight fluctuations are avoided.

Patients report the most discomfort and soreness in the first few days after their tummy tuck surgery . As swelling subsides each day, the pain gradually decreases. Pain medication is prescribed to manage discomfort during the initial recovery period.
