Vaser Liposuction Cost In Dubai

Vaser liposuction is one of the most popular body contouring procedures in Dubai. This advanced technique uses ultrasound energy to selectively break down and remove unwanted, stubborn fat from areas like the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, back, knees, neck, and ankles.

So, how much does Vaser liposuction cost in Dubai? The average price range is AED 12,000 to AED 30,000, depending on the number of areas treated and other factors outlined below. Many clinics offer financing plans to help make this body sculpting treatment more accessible and budget-friendly.

Key Factors That Influence Vaser Liposuction Prices

Several key factors determine the overall cost of Vaser liposuction in Dubai :

Dubai’S Lipo Treatment is a procedure done by doctors to remove extra fat from your body to make you look slimmer. it’s like a quick way to lose weight without having to exercise.

1. Number of Areas/Body Parts Treated

The cost of Vaser liposuction in Dubai significantly varies depending on how many body areas are undergoing treatment.

Book A Consultation With Dr Shehzadi Tasneem

Top-rated Plastic Surgeon For Liposuction in Dubai

  • 15+ Years of Experience 
  • Certified Plastic and reconstructive surgeon 
  • Certified Trainer for Aesthetics Procedures
  • 24/7 support for patients
  • Free follow-ups after the procedure

Installment Plan Available

Number of Areas Body Parts Treated Average Price Range
1 area Abdomen OR Inner Thighs OR Arms AED 12,000 – 15,000
2 areas Abdomen + Flanks
Abdomen + Inner Thighs
AED 16,000 – 20,000
3 areas Abdomen + Flanks + Inner Thighs
Abdomen + Flanks + Arms
AED 21,000 – 28,000
4+ areas Abdomen + Flanks + Thighs + Arms
Abdomen + Flanks + Back + Hips
AED 29,000 – 30,000

Typical body areas include the abdomen, flanks/love handles, back/bra rolls, inner/outer thighs, knees, arms, male breasts, etc. Treating more areas involves removing more fat so prices are higher.

2. Clinic/Surgeon

The choice of clinic and the expertise of the surgeon are pivotal factors influencing the overall cost of Vaser liposuction.

Clinic/Surgeon Price Range
Top plastic surgeons AED 25,000 – 30,000
Established clinics AED 20,000 – 25,000
Newer/smaller clinics AED 12,000 – 18,000

3. Type of Anesthesia

The type and extent of anesthesia required for Vaser liposuction also play a crucial role in determining the procedure’s cost.

Anesthesia Type Average Price
Local Anesthesia < AED 15,000
IV Sedation +AED 5,000
General Anesthesia +AED 5,000 to 8,000

4. Aftercare Package

The inclusion of an aftercare package, which can greatly impact the recovery and results, is another important cost component.

Aftercare Package Additional Fees
Basic (min. follow-up care) No additional fees
Compression garments + Massage therapy +AED 500 to 1,500
Extended post-op care + Multiple appointments +AED 2,000 to 5,000

5. Hospital Fees

Hospital fees, encompassing various aspects of the procedure, like facility usage, add to the total cost of Vaser liposuction in Dubai.

Place of Treatment Additional Fees
Surgeon’s clinic No additional fees
Hospital facility or Day clinic +AED 2,000 to 5,000

What Does Vaser Liposuction Cost Include?

The prices quoted by Dubai clinics generally cover the following:

  • Initial consultation and body assessment
  • Surgeon, anesthetist, and assistant fees
  • Operating room charges
  • Liposuction equipment charges
  • Local anesthesia/sedation costs
  • Post-operative check-ups and follow-up visits
  • Prescription medication costs

However, some clinics exclude items like compression garments that may cost approximately AED 500-1500. So, it’s best to find out exactly what is included/excluded from the package price when comparing Dubai Vaser liposuction costs.

Payment Plans Make Vaser Liposuction More Affordable

Many leading Dubai clinics offer convenient payment plans, easy monthly installments, and special promotional packages to help budget-conscious patients afford Vaser lipo body sculpting.

Popular financing plans to cover the AED 12,000 to 30,000 costs include: The cost for Chin Fat Removal in Dubai can vary, but it’s a procedure to help people get rid of extra fat under their chin. It’s like paying for a special doctor to make your chin look the way you want. Dubai’s Double Chin Liposuction Cost is the money you have to pay in Dubai to have a surgery that removes extra fat under your chin. It can be quite expensive because it is a special kind of operation.

In Dubai, the cost to make your chin less chubby, known as Dubai’s Chin Fat Reduction Price , can vary based on different clinics and doctors. Dubai Stomach Liposuction Expense is the money you have to pay if you want to have a surgery in Dubai to remove fat from your stomach. It can be quite expensive because it is a special medical procedure.

Liposuction and abdominoplasty transformations help people look slimmer by removing extra fat and tightening the tummy area. It’s like giving your body a makeover! Liposuction Guide: Best Time helps you know when it’s the right moment to get liposuction for the best results and safest experience

Lipo B12 Injections: Key Details help boost energy and support weight loss by combining vitamins and fat-burning compounds Liposuction fat disposal involves safely getting rid of the fat removed during liposuction surgery The fat taken out during

Lipo laser procedure Liposuction results timeline shows how your body changes after the procedure You may see initial results in a few weeks but full results can take several months Armpit fat reduction helps get rid of extra fat under your arms Exercise and a healthy diet can help with armpit fat reduction

Lipo foam cleaning is a special way to clean things using foam that dissolves dirt and grime Pneumatic cosmetic liposuction uses air pressure to remove fat from the body It helps people get a slimmer shape without major surgery

Cost-effective fat removal Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly to lose extra fat without spending much money This is a simple way for Precision fat removal helps get rid of extra fat in specific body areas It uses special tools to target and remove unwanted fat without surgery

  • 0% interest-free installments over 6,12,18 or 24 months
  • Discounted ‘pay in full’ rates for upfront payment
  • Medical tourism packages with discounts, free hotel stays, etc
  • Loyalty rewards, gifts, free procedures with credit points


Vaser liposuction cost in Dubai ranges from approximately AED 12,000 to 30,000 depending on the number of body areas requiring fat removal. Leading clinics offer easy payment plans to make this advanced sculpting treatment accessible to more patients seeking noticeable enhancements.

To find out if Vaser lipo body contouring is right for you and learn about cost-saving packages, book a consultation with top Dubai plastic surgeon Dr Shehzadi Tasneem Sultan today!

The cost of getting rid of a double chin through liposuction in Dubai can vary, but it typically ranges from a few thousand to several thousand dollars.

Vaser Liposuction FAQs

Vaser lipo uses ultrasound energy to target and remove stubborn fat more precisely, leading to enhanced skin tightening, minimal pain, and faster recovery compared to older lipo techniques.

If you maintain your weight with proper nutrition and exercise, results are essentially permanent as Vaser permanently removes fat cells from treated areas.

Vaser can effectively and safely remove small or large volumes of unwanted fat from the abdomen, thighs, hips, back, arms, knees, ankles, neck, cheeks, and other areas.

Vaser lipo is suitable for healthy men and women ages 18 years to 80 years looking to refine specific areas of the body through fat removal and skin tightening.

Although some improvement is visible initially after the swelling subsides post-surgery, it takes 3-6 months for the skin to adjust and fully reveal refined contours.
